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Meeting MEMES

Llama have more purposeful+respectful meetings? Why not drop a hint to your boss that you're hurting and think there's a solution that can solve your problems? Alpaca bunch of meeting memes for you to share that capture the pre-MeetingFull meeting mood!

If you had to identify, in one word, the reason the human race has not achieved, and will never achieve, its full potential, that word would be meetings.

-Dave Barry
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In one month, an astonishing 650,000 people in the USA used Google to search for the term meeting meme. To put that in perspective, there had been 227,000 searches for the much beloved cat meme and only 24,300 searches for the mighty Chuck Norris meme. You’re in good company if you’re looking for an ironic way to describe your meeting experience! (Psst…use MeetingFull to bring respect+purpose to your meetings.)

Meeting MEMES

When a 40 hour work week has 50 hours of meetings

Meetings: Where minutes are kept and hours are lost

Explaining you're are social vegan and can't meet

Meetings: Where the agenda expands to whatever time was booked

When a powerpoint presentation uses comic sans

When you feel lonely so you call a meeting

When you have a solution but can't interrupt the meeting

No idea why we were invite to this meeting

When your three hour meeting has no attendee feedback

The precise amount for a full day of meetings

When your meeting is the top priority after my text messages

We applaud your presentation ending on schedule

Me pretending to be frozen when asked a question on Zoom

Yes, the meeting is being recorded

Meetings, where together we do the work of one

when the meeting agenda says review your proposal

When you're about to join a meeting and can't find your notes!

Can someone tell me the point of this meeting?!

Sure, i'll put on a mask and return to the office

What do you mean "the camera is on?!"

When you're working from home and your boss messages about a Zoom meeting

What do you mean "there's no agenda"?!

When you call a meeting for Friday and everyone RSVPs

Planned a meeting during lunch and didn't serve food

Sure this is water getting me through this meeting!

Preparation for a full day of meeting!

Double booked my calendar. Sure, I can be at both

Meeting has been canceled!!

Oops!! Wrong screen

I'm not sure why my WIFI is spotty

What is this meeting about?!

Forgot to record the sales meeting

How mandatory is this mandatory meeting??

I predict that my day is unpredictable!

It's a meeting to plan for our next meeting

Just survived another meeting that could have been an email

Calculating time zones for our next meeting!

When you realize that you forgot your green screen

Made it through another full day of boring meetings

Why weren't you at my meeting?!

Unmute yourself!!

When the meeting is over and people keep asking questions

Trying to find a time open on everyone's calendars

8:00 AM team meetings are a form of torture!!

Sent someone to cover for me at the team meeting

Much accomplished in this important meeting

Oh, but I am unmuted

At the end of the journey to find the conference room

That moment you realize there are new acronyms to learn

Was clean shaven and buzz cut when this meeting started!!

A conference call... at 4 PM on a Friday?!

When your meeting's over and you know you nailed it

Planned a meeting during lunch and didn't serve food

Meeting has been canceled!!

Forgot to record the sales meeting

Just survived another meeting that could have been an email

Why weren't you at my meeting?!

8:00 AM team meetings are a form of torture!!

when the meeting agenda says review your proposal

At the end of the journey to find the conference room

We applaud your presentation ending on schedule

Meetings: Where the agenda expands to whatever time was booked

No idea why we were invite to this meeting

That moment you realize there are new acronyms to learn

When your meeting's over and you know you nailed it

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No more fragmented solutions. A complete platform for meeting meaningfully.